Anise, Anise Seeds




Pimpinella anisum

Full sun
18 inches tall
12 inches wide

My most vivid memory of Anise is of the wild plants that grew along the trail where I hiked as a kid. Friends would break off stems and chew it and I always frowned. The fragrance was incredibly strong. In fact, the memory is still so vivid I am still frowing. Right, it’s the black licorice fragrance that sent me over the top. Incredibly intense. I’ve learned to tolerate it but also quickly realized people either love it or…well, they frown. Extremely common her and equally easy to grow. Used in baking and as a tea tincture, it is also said to aid in relieving throat and stomach ailments. I grow it merely for the beautiful flowers as they make perfect and easy to grow cut flower accompaniments. Packet contains 10 seeds.


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